Order our Hospital Bag Guide and Colostrum Harvesting kit together for £11.99 per kit, including free delivery (UK only) saving £3.99 (if brought separately)
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Watch our YouTube Video: Colostrum Harvesting – Complete Guide by Cheshire Midwives
Want to get breastfeeding off to a good start? Or have Gestational Diabetes?
Colostrum collecting / Colostrum harvesting is a fantastic way to relieve the pressure of breastfeeding and helps you get things off to a successful start!
If you’ve had a low-risk pregnancy and would like to breastfeed your baby, it’s useful to try Colostrum harvesting. Colostrum harvesting is achieved by using hand expressing techniques to obtain Colostrum from your breasts. Colostrum is also known as liquid gold; it is really concentrated milk that contains both nutrients and antibodies which are amazing for your baby.
You can start collecting and storing colostrum from 37 weeks gestation, and can continue after birth up until your milk comes in. Having a supply of colostrum can help you and your baby in many ways. If your baby is sleepy or having difficulty getting started, colostrum can give them the energy they need to start breastfeeding and this will help you by relieving any stress, anxiety or pressure you may feel. If you are unsure if your pregnancy is low risk, please speak to your midwife.
This kit includes:
- 10 x 1ml Enteral Syringes
- 10 x ENFit® ISOSAF syringe caps for storage
- 2 x Bamboo Bonding heart patches
- 10 x Freezable identification labels
- A detailed guide on how to hand express
Hospital Bag Guide
Many people struggle to know what to pack in their hospital bags and to understand the reasons why things are recommended. Cheshire Midwives have created this guide, based on a combination of advice from both new parents and midwives.
This 24 page, high-quality colour printed guide is designed around a three-bag system to help you organise the things you will need to take with you when you have your baby and includes tips and advice for labour from Midwives!. This enables you to have exactly what you need to hand at the right time during labour, after the birth and in case of an overnight stay.
This guide also contains three checklists with the items suggested for you to pack into each bag and some handy tips to leave you feeling prepared, informed and excited to meet your new baby.
- FREE – Hypnobirthing Script
- FREE – Birth Affirmations x2
- Delivered in a compact storage box.
- Each Syringe and Cap are individually wrapped in sterile packaging.
- All Syringes have easy to read measuring markers, making it easy to see how much Colostrum you have collected.
- The Syringes have a smooth tip for a more comfortable collection of Colostrum from your breast and feeding your newborn baby.
£11.99 per kit, including free delivery (UK only)
Click here to order from eBay
Watch our YouTube Video: Colostrum Harvesting – Complete Guide by Cheshire Midwives