Making a Difference To Birth For You and Your Baby
KGHypnobirthing is a complete in-depth antenatal training program designed to release fear and build confidence during pregnancy and birth. Giving you the knowledge and the tools to have the best natural childbirth for you.
You need information and knowledge in order to get the best from the system in which you find yourself. You need to understand the implications of the choices you may be required to make.
Most of all, you need to release fear and learn to trust your body, your instinct, and your baby. In order to do this, you need information and knowledge.
“You can find good information about babies and birth in many places, but hypnobirthing is the only thing I know that actually makes a difference to your experience of giving birth. I cannot promise the perfect birth. Nothing can, and to do so would be ridiculous and not true. However, my experience is that KG Hypnobirthing always makes a difference and a very big difference too. It is a privilege to be a teacher and to be invited into your life at such a special time in order to make it even better.”
Katharine Graves. Founder of KGH & best-selling author
But we can’t do it for you. We are the signpost. You make the journey. We regard it as our responsibility to give you all the information and support we possibly can to help you, and we will always be there for you to refer to after you have attended a class with us.